How to Host Dedicated Terraria Server: A Comprehensive Guide :

Greetings, fellow gamers! If you are a fan of Terraria and want to create your own dedicated server to play with friends or other gamers worldwide, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to host dedicated Terraria server on your computer or using a hosting service, including all the necessary tools and tips. So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of Terraria server hosting.

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Terraria is a popular 2D sandbox game that allows players to explore, create, and battle in a vibrant and dynamic world. While Terraria can be played alone, many gamers prefer to play with others, whether it’s with friends or strangers. That’s where dedicated servers come in. A dedicated server is a computer that runs the Terraria server software 24/7, allowing players to connect and play the game without anyone having to host the server in their own home. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to host your own dedicated Terraria server, from the initial setup to troubleshooting and customization. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gamer, you will find valuable tips and tools to create the ultimate Terraria server.

Requirements for Hosting a Terraria Server

Before we start, let’s take a look at the basic requirements for hosting a Terraria server:

Requirements Minimum Recommended
CPU Dual-core 1.6 GHz Quad-core 2.5 GHz or higher
RAM 1 GB 4 GB or higher
Storage 100 MB 1 GB or higher
Internet 2 Mbps upload speed 5 Mbps upload speed or higher
Operating System Windows 7/8/10 or Linux Windows 10 or Linux

As you can see, hosting a Terraria server doesn’t require a powerful computer or a high-speed internet connection. However, it’s recommended to have a stable and fast internet connection, especially if you plan to host a server with multiple players and mods. Additionally, make sure your computer has enough free storage space, as the server files can quickly add up over time.

Methods of Hosting a Terraria Server

There are two methods of hosting a Terraria server: on your computer or using a hosting service. Each method has its pros and cons, and you should choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.

Hosting a Terraria Server on Your Computer

The first method is to host the Terraria server on your own computer. This method is ideal if you have a spare computer or prefer to have full control over the server settings. To host the server on your computer, you need to download and install the Terraria server software and configure your router to allow external connections.

Hosting a Terraria Server Using a Hosting Service

The second method is to use a hosting service to host your Terraria server. This method is ideal if you don’t have a spare computer or want to avoid the hassle of configuring your router and firewall. A hosting service provides you with a dedicated server that runs the Terraria server software, allowing you to connect and play with other players. However, using a hosting service means you have to pay a monthly or yearly fee, and you may not have full control over the server settings.

Hosting a Terraria Server on Your Computer

In this section, we will guide you through the process of hosting a Terraria server on your own computer. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the Terraria Server Software

The first step is to download the Terraria server software from the official website. The server software is available for free and can be downloaded for Windows, Linux, and Mac. Make sure to download the latest version of the software.

Step 2: Create a Terraria Server Folder

The next step is to create a folder where you will store the Terraria server files. Create a new folder on your desktop or any other location and name it “Terraria Server”. This folder will contain all the necessary files to run your server.

Step 3: Extract the Terraria Server Software

After downloading the Terraria server software, extract the files to the Terraria Server folder you created in the previous step. You can use any file archiver software to extract the files, or you can right-click the downloaded file and select “Extract Here”.

Step 4: Configure the Server Settings

Before you can start the Terraria server, you need to configure the server settings. Open the “serverconfig.txt” file located in the Terraria Server folder using any text editor, such as Notepad. Here are the basic settings you need to configure:

  • world: The name of the world you want to use. If you want to create a new world, leave this field blank.
  • port: The port number you want to use for your server. The default port number is 7777, but you can choose any number between 1024 and 65535.
  • maxplayers: The maximum number of players you want to allow on your server. The default value is 8, but you can increase it to any number up to 255.
  • motd: The message of the day that will be displayed when players connect to your server. This can be any text you want, such as the server name or a greeting message.

Save the changes to the serverconfig.txt file and close the text editor.

Step 5: Open the Terraria Server

To open the Terraria server, double-click the “TerrariaServer.exe” file located in the Terraria Server folder. A command prompt window will appear, indicating that the server is starting. Wait for a few seconds, and the server should be up and running.

Step 6: Configure Your Router for External Connections

By default, the Terraria server can be accessed only on your local network, meaning that only devices connected to your Wi-Fi or Ethernet can join the server. If you want to allow external connections and play with other gamers online, you need to configure your router to forward the Terraria server port to your computer. The process of port forwarding varies depending on your router model and firmware, so we recommend consulting your router’s manual or contacting your ISP for assistance.

Step 7: Invite Players to Join Your Server

Once your server is up and running, you can invite players to join your server. Provide them with your external IP address and the Terraria server port number, and they can connect to your server from anywhere in the world. Make sure to configure your firewall to allow external connections to the Terraria server port.

Hosting a Terraria Server Using a Hosting Service

If you don’t have a spare computer or prefer to use a hosting service, you can host your Terraria server using a hosting service. There are many hosting services available, and they vary in price, features, and performance. Before choosing a hosting service, make sure to research and compare the available options to find the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Here are the general steps to host a Terraria server using a hosting service:

Step 1: Choose a Hosting Service

Research and compare the available hosting services to find the one that best suits your needs and budget. Look for a hosting service that provides good performance, customer support, and customization options. Some popular hosting services for Terraria servers include Host Havoc, GG Servers, and Shockbyte.

Step 2: Sign Up for a Hosting Plan

Once you have chosen a hosting service, sign up for a hosting plan that meets your requirements. Most hosting services offer different plans with varying performance, storage, and features. Choose a plan that suits your needs and budget.

Step 3: Install the Terraria Server Software

After signing up for a hosting plan, the hosting service will provide you with a dedicated server where you can install the Terraria server software. Follow the hosting service’s instructions to install the software on the server.

Step 4: Configure the Server Settings

Once the Terraria server software is installed, you need to configure the server settings to your liking. Most hosting services provide a web-based control panel where you can configure the server settings, such as the world name, port number, and maximum players. Follow the hosting service’s instructions to configure the server settings.

Step 5: Invite Players to Join Your Server

After configuring the server settings, you can invite players to join your server by providing them with the server IP address and port number. Most hosting services provide a web-based control panel where you can view your server details, such as the IP address and port number. Make sure to configure your firewall to allow external connections to the Terraia server port.

Setting Up a Terraria Server

Now that you have learned how to host a Terraria server on your computer or using a hosting service, let’s take a look at the steps you need to follow to set up your server and start playing.

Step 1: Create a New World

The first step is to create a new world for your server. Open Terraria and select “Multiplayer” from the main menu. Click “Create” to start a new server. Choose a world size and name for your world and click “Create”. The world will be generated, and you will be taken to the server lobby.

Step 2: Join Your Server

To join your own server, select your server from the server list and click “Join”. The game will connect to your server, and you will be able to play with other players on your server.

Step 3: Invite Players to Join Your Server

To invite other players to join your server, provide them with your external IP address and the Terraria server port number. Make sure to configure your router and firewall to allow external connections to the Terraria server port.

Configuring Your Terraria Server

Now that you have set up your Terraria server, you may want to customize and configure it to your liking. Here are some of the most common configurations you can make:

Change the Server Settings

You can change the server settings, such as the world name, port number, maximum players, and message of the day by editing the serverconfig.txt file or the hosting service’s control panel. Make sure to save the changes and restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Install Plugins and Mods

You can install plugins and mods to add new features and enhance the gameplay of your Terraria server. To install plugins and mods, you need to download and install the TModLoader mod, which allows you to install and manage mods. Follow the instructions provided by the mod creator to install the mod and add new plugins and mods to your server.

Backup Your World

It’s recommended to backup your Terraria world regularly to avoid losing your progress in case of server crashes or other issues. You can backup your world by copying the world file located in the Terraria Server folder to a safe location, such as an external hard drive or cloud storage.

Port Forwarding for Terraria Server

As mentioned earlier, if you want to allow external connections to your Terraria server, you need to configure your router to forward the Terraria server port to your computer. Here are the general steps to port forward for Terraria server:

Step 1: Find Your Router’s IP Address

You need to find your router’s IP address to access the router’s configuration page. Open the Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on Mac, and type “ipconfig” or “ifconfig” respectively. Look for the “Default Gateway” or “Router” IP address, and write it down.

Step 2: Access Your Router’s Configuration Page

Open your web browser and type your router’s IP address in the address bar. You may be prompted to enter your router’s username and password, which can be found in the router’s manual or on the bottom of the router itself.

Step 3: Find the Port Forwarding Section

Look for the port forwarding section in your router’s configuration page. This section may be called “Advanced”, “Network”, or “NAT”. The location of this section varies depending on your router model and firmware. Consult your router’s manual or contact your ISP for assistance if you can’t find the port forwarding section.

Step 4: Add a New Port Forwarding Rule

Add a new port forwarding rule by clicking “Add” or “New”. Enter the Terraria server port number in the “Internal Port” and “External Port” fields. Choose “TCP” as the protocol, and enter your computer’s IP address in the “Internal IP” or “Server IP” field. Save the changes and restart your router for the changes to take effect.

Configuring Firewall for Terraria Server

In addition to port forwarding, you need to configure your firewall to allow external connections to the Terraria server port. Here are the general steps to configure the firewall:

Step 1: Open the Firewall Settings

Open the Windows Firewall or any other firewall on your computer and click “Advanced Settings”.

Step 2: Add a New Inbound Rule

Add a new inbound rule by clicking “New Rule”. Choose “Port” as the rule type, and select “TCP” as the protocol. Enter the Terraria server port number in the “Specific Local Ports” field. Choose “Allow the Connection” as the action, and click “Next”.

Step 3: Configure the Rule Settings

Configure the rule settings by choosing the network type and applying the rule to all profiles. Enter a name for the rule, such as “Terraria Server” and click “Finish”. The firewall will now allow external connections to the Terraria server port.

Installing Plugins and Mods for Terraria Server

Installing plugins and mods can enhance the gameplay of your Terraria server by adding new features, items, and challenges. Here are the steps to follow to install plugins and mods:

Step 1: Download and Install the TModLoader Mod

The TModLoader mod is a modding API that allows you to install and manage mods for Terraria. You can download the TModLoader mod from the official website and follow the instructions to install it on your server.

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